Vera Speaks - Show 457 - Tepid Tuesday Edition

Squid Scopes, "Weekend Recap" and Nobody's Perfect.
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Woodland Hills, CA 91365
Here in my area, we'll be celebrating Labor Day this weekend. I know this because I'll be laboring all the while everyone else is relaxing....
I'm sure my Auntie was already busted about this gaff.
I struggled with "A Simple Man" through three sittings, and still had to fast-forward. Richard Kind gives me the willies. Instead, you must rent "A Single Man," with Colin Firth and Julianne Moore. Lovely film, though without zombies. I don't care if it's Labor or Memorial Day, as long as we get some Gooch. Perhaps you can record Monday night, when you can regale us with Jerry's antics. And don't take this the wrong way, but, I want some of your meat.
...and by "Simple," I meant "Serious." See how hard it was to pay attention to the thing?
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