Vera Speaks - Show 466 - Montag Monday Edition

"Weekend Recap", Voicemails, Congratulations, "Showibiz Report" and Ella & Cole.
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Facebook – Auntie Vera Charles
P.O. Box 561
Woodland Hills, CA 91365
I love the pictures. Very handsome guy.
the collar... the sideburns... the curls... the sweater vest... the thick lips... the ... the... omg... it's everything I've always wanted my Auntie to be!!!
seriously though, thanks for sharing V....absolutely adorable!!
Sweet Jesus Keep Me Near The Cross! You were the 70's ideal porn star. OMG VERA! Fan me.
Oh, this brings back some memories of some wonderful. Now mine was striped bell bottoms, and a balloon sleeved print shirt. Why did I get so little action in that? It had to be because I was in Montana at the time; they just do not know fashion. I mean would you go for a tall lean cowboy in a Stetson, tight jeans, and....mmmm. Never mind, I think I need to go back home for a visit.
That! Love you Auntie!
Wow- 1973. You have (oops- sorry...had, so sad.) beautiful hair! I remember everyone back then wanting straight hair, parted in the middle and hanging in their face to match our bell bottoms that drug on the ground and covered the wallabees everyone wore, including me.
Did you like your curls back then? Just curious. I had thick wavy hair and could never achieve the appropiate look. Hair product was slim pickings back then.
Ok If I wasn't a year old in 1973 I would have been in love. Very hot for 1973.
Love yeah from your lovie,
Very nice looking. I think you could have done without the mustache and mutton chops, but very nice.
Oh my.
As these pictures of a young Kenneth Bianchi demonstrate, everyone was greatly relieved when punk finally arrived.
What a great photo! Its nice to get some of idea of what you might look like today. Very handsome no doubt
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