Vera Speaks - Show 508 - For Auld Lang Friday Edition

Call From Conscience, Last Show Of 2010 And The Decade, Voicemails, P.O. Box Thank Yous, How Howard Is, Appreciation and Just Another New Year's Eve.
Link: Vera Speaks on Mevio
Vera Speaks on iTunes
Listener Line: (206) 339-3468
Twitter – Auntievera
Facebook – Auntie Vera Charles
P.O. Box 561
Woodland Hills, CA 91365
Vera, "that voice" (BF) is humorous actually but what pushes it over the top into hilarity is your reaction. Thanks for the laughs and yet another excellent 'little show' :)
I know what you mean about having a puppy that has health problems. I adopted a husky puppy from the humane society and what was a healthy puppy at first turned into a puppy with no immune system, lost all of his fur and developed allergies to everything. But after a year of intense medical treatment, lots of money, a vet that offered lots of discounts, we now have a wonderful siberian husky of 4 years that is healthy and furry with no medical problems at all. Your baby will get better, just give him lots of love and treats ;)
Thank you lovie. That's what we are hoping and waiting for.
I am a big fan of Barry Manilow! I love his music! Just Another New Year's Eve was the perfect choice selection to play for New Year's!I also love Weekend In New England also sung by Barry Manilow! I am glad that you had received the Greetings Of The Seasons Card and the photo of The Good Humor Penquin!It is a little token of my appreciation of being my lovie friend in Lovieland!I adore and truly love your little podcast comedy show! Happy 2011 New Year's To My Auntie Vera Charles and Gooch, Conscience, Eunice, and Howard! From The Good Humor Penquin.
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