Vera Speaks - Show 524 - Mushnick Monday Edition

Tina's Biography, Weekend Recap, Voicemail, Howard Report and Lauren's Thirsty.
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Conscience, I appreciate the Tina Turner trivia! I always knew this podcast was also meant as a leaning experience, other than the obvious language listening comprehension training.
Auntie, my granny always said: coffee absorbes odour. She used to put the leftover grained coffee beans in the filter into a plastic container and left it in the refrigerator over night to get rid of odours, or to neutralise the smell in the container she kept e.g. cheese. I have never had to try it myself, though. I never had such a rancid smell that I couldn't get rid of just by throwing the rotten vegetables out and cleaning everything with vinegarwater.
Other than that, I have to say that I'm relieved to hear that Howard is minus one disease :-)
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