Vera Speaks - Show 516 - Well Filled Wednesday Edition

Voicemails, MLK Day Report, Lovieland Birthday, Showbiz Report, From The Windmills Of Weagle's Mind and Where Are The Snows.
Link: Vera Speaks on Mevio
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Listener Line: (206) 339-3468
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Facebook – Auntie Vera Charles
P.O. Box 561
Woodland Hills, CA 91365
You were quite good in "The Fourposter". You can't be blamed for stilted dialogue which you did not write.
Wow. Thank you.
You're welcome. BTW, the song you played is from the Original Cast Album. Soundtracks are for movies.
I'm so glad that Scott does all the smartassing in the comments, Auntie, so we can focus on sending you love and greetings from abroad.
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