Vera Speaks - Show 517 - Fried Friday Edition

It's In The News, Voicemails, Lovieland Birthdays, Mails In and Your Song.
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Woodland Hills, CA 91365
Thanks, Auntie, for your points on Elton John's adoption. As always, I agree with everything you said. I dislike this popular opinion that everything that children need is money (you might also look at Angelina Jolie's adoption addiction and the media's coverage thereof), whereas I would suggest that the most important thing, next to nutrition and a safe home and surroundings, is time and attention by their parents. And while I'm not doubting that Elton John's baby's enviroment isn't loving and safe, I have to think about the points you made that feed my concearn...
I loved the song you played, it's one of his best.
If Friday is the porthole to the weekend, then certainly Sunday is the poop chute to the weekdays.
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